0300 365 6700 [email protected]

Need volunteers to help with a one-off project?

Do you have a project within your organisation that needs short-term specific volunteers. It could be that your database of contacts needs to be updated or you need help with a mailshot or marketing campaign. Perhaps you need support from an IT specialist. Or maybe you just need people to help marshall a fund-raising event? Contact us and we will do our best to help.

Want to help a one-off event or project?

If youi are up for a short-term volunteering project - for a few days or hours, enter your email address below and we'll send you occasional newsletters telling you about all the great projects where we've been asked to recruit volunteers.


Charity "Asks"

Similar to the One-Off Volunteering service above, we also help recycle stuff that charities need. A bed for a needy person who has just moved into their own place for example. If you'd like to get emailed when we hear of such needs in Gloucestershire. please fill in the form below.